Ekta Recovery DApp - claim and stake EKTA v2


  1. Recover DApp URL (claim, stake, lock your $EKTA v2 tokens): staking.ekta.io

  2. Be sure to add $EKTA v2 tokens to your MetaMask wallet. (how to add tutorial here)

    • $EKTA v2 (BEP20) contract address: 0x45808Ce43eb2D7685fF0242631f0FeB6f3D8701a

  3. Make sure you're in BSC Mainnet on your Metamask wallet before you perform any of these functions. (how to add BSC Mainnet to your Metamask wallet tutorial here)

  4. After you've claimed and/or staked your EKTA v2 tokens, please DO NOT engage in any activity with your old EKTA v1 tokens anymore. These tokens are no longer valid in the Ekta Ecosystem.

  5. PLEASE NOTE that when you stake for the stated time period (1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, 12 months) you are locked for that period of time. There is no early withdraw function for the staking pools at this time.


In this step-by-step tutorial, you'll learn how to claim and stake your EKTA v2 using the Ekta Recovery DApp.

EKTA v1 token holders can use the DApp's claim function to exchange EKTA v1 tokens for EKTA v2 tokens. EKTA v2 token holders can use the stake function to stake and earn rewards.

We’ll take you through each step starting with how to connect the Ekta mainnet to your wallet.

Note: All images used in this tutorial are strictly for educational purposes and may differ from the actual Ekta recovery DApp.

Last updated