Register and create your login

You will need to register with a valid email address

You will need a valid email address easily accessible

Step 1: Click "Register" on the top right corner of the PROBIT homepage

You will need a valid email address and access to it for the next few steps

Step 2: Enter your valid email address or phone number

Step 3: Enter a password of your choosing

Step 4: Agree to all the terms and conditions

Step 5: Now you can Click "Register" at the bottom

A pop-up window will appear, after you "agree to the terms and conditions", confirming you are over the age of 18. You must click "Confirm" to continue

Step 6: Complete the Captcha to verify you are human

If you did not get a verification code, check your spam folders.

If you are certain you did not get an email, click "Go Back" at the bottom of the page and start again. Something might have timed out or there was an interruption in your connection. No worries, just try again

Step 7: Retrieve verification code from the email address you provided

Step 8: Enter the verification code.

Step 9: Click "Verify"

The verification code is only valid for 10 min. If you need more time, click "resend" at the bottom right when you are ready to continue

Step 10: Click on the "Go to Login Page" button

Congratulations, you have successfully registered for PROBIT!

You now have a PROBIT Wallet address for trading crypto, deposits and withdraws

Last updated