High Level Overview - E.R.E.

Ekta Real Estate (Launching Q2 2022)

The traditional method of buying and selling assets is expensive, time-consuming, wildly inefficient, and outdated. Ekta Real Estate will be available under the leasehold model (i.e. buying and selling long term-leases, such as 30 years) to satisfy regulatory requirements and operate in full compliance in every Ekta Real Estate market. Ekta’s team of specialists review applications from asset owners, verify appraisals and other pertinent information and perform thorough due diligence and inspections prior to making an asset available for fractional ownership. Once an asset has been approved, an NFT is minted as the basis of ownership of the asset, and a “hard cap” of $USDT or $USE is assigned based on the real-world value/appraisal of the asset. Investors can then purchase any amount of the asset in stablecoin or use $EKTA token and receive huge discounts. All monetary exchange between buyer and seller can be executed in stablecoin for both parties, but either party may elect to receive their returns in $EKTA and gain significant rewards and other benefits by doing so.

Last updated